CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Friday, May 1, 2009

Guiding stuff

  • This past Tuesday's meeting was lots of fun....few girls missing due to various things...but our Wildflower Badge Hike was a huge success. The Harewood Plains area is really beautiful, only downside are the powerlines and the proximity to the highway. But..without the powerlines we would not have the access roads. Saw lots of wildflowers, and we hope the girls learned something.
  • Next weekend..Mother's Day weekend..is our District Camp up at Moorecroft. Using the CSI Challenge. Not sure what costume I will dig up. We expect 7 Guides
  • Beginning to plan our year-end Camp, which will be at OUR HOUSE...good way to save money. Tho we will have to work around the MALES for bathrooms.

Weekend Escape

This weekend is the weekend Heather and I are ESCAPING to Saltspring Island..She is at work now, but should be home in an hour or so. By that time I hope to have done with my computer work, and made a substantial start on getting ready for our weekend vacation. Before we hit the ferry at Crofton we are detouring down to Duncan to get Heather's new camera...a very belated Graduation gift from last year (combined with belated other things!). We tried to get the camera here, but everyone is either out of it or has the newer model. Walmart in Duncan had 2 left, at $197, so I had the clerk put our name on it and put it aside til today.
It is a gorgeous sunny day...so look here next week for updates of our weekend, and hopefully some photos.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

CedarHill Homestay

This gorgeous sunny weather makes me think SUMMER, and when I think SUMMER, I also think of our many Homestay guests we have had over the years. We now have less than 2 months left with our current high-school Homestay students, but their time will still be full. Last year we had a great experience with a German mom and two teen boys, who we shared two fun weeks with. I customized their time so that we did a lot of fun 'touristy' things around southern and central Vancouver Island. The summer before we had a great young lady from South Korea who started out as a HelpExchange guest, then went on to stay for a customized Teacher-tutor time doing ESL along with lots of out-trips. It would be fantastic if we could do that again next year.
I think it is a dream of mine to do Homestay and Teacher-Tutor Homestay all-year. Having a wide variety of guests, and sharing our family and our part of beautiful BC would be really a wonderful way to live!
Check out our Homestay website below for more info:

Simple Living...and a few Bits & Pieces

Haven't written for way too long, so this will be a bit of 'catch-up'! Today...Thursday...is another gorgeous sunny day. Heather and I will be heading into Town later on for groceries etc, but I'm hoping to steal some time away later on to just get outside. The tides have been really low the past few days, so maybe we can take Kasia down to the beach again.

I've just added a section for SIMPLE LIVING...links, info, etc....Simple Living does overlap somewhat with Green Living and Organizing, but there are definite differences. For example it is possible to live with quite a Green slant, but not to live very simply, and also very possible to be highly organized but not to be either simple or green. But I do think that most people who embrace the Simple Living philosophy are quite green and also fairly organized. I noticed when I started the Simple Living section that I have some links etc in the Green Living section that now need to be moved: so, 'pardon my mess' while I work on that.

Trying to be organized, I think I blog a bit differently than others. Rather than a lot of topics included in one date, I'm hoping to keep topics mostly organized by their labels, even if that means several posts the same date....OR it may mean having the same info in several posts so the labels are accurate...but I'm still working on that concept.