Sitting here in the Den, looking out the window towards the back fields and trees, with a morning mist lit up by a bright sunny sky - we won't have a view like this at the new place. Here we have views from every window, and hardly need curtains.
We do need to look on the positives with the move:
- we are eliminating the 'mortgage'
- we are downsizing - including with utilities etc
- we are downsizing 'stuff'
- the new house should sell a lot faster and more 'definitely', being in town
- the new house should sell for more money after we've done the planned renos
- we've definitely learned a lot more about selling & buying houses from this move!
We have a new Helper - Linda is from the Netherlands by way of Australia and NZ - very interesting accent! Great worker and good company.
Ian is still away, but due back hopefully tomorrow. He left a week and a half ago - 3 days after I brought him back from Camp Thunderbird - and has been visiting Drew, hiking, and visiting his Uncle Lo/Aunt Darlie in Lethbridge/Calgary area. I asked him to phone before he starts heading back home - but knowing him we probably won't hear from him until he gets on the ferry and calls for a ride.
Today I'm going to town - will stop in at the office and check phone calls, call our client who calls in to the office, and just 'check on things'. Will also stop at a Budget place and reserve a truck etc for Thursday evening - or Friday morning at the latest. At home I plan to 'finish off' some rooms, move the computer to the folding plastic table and then pack up most everything else in the den. Tomorrow with luck I won't have to go out anywhere and Linda and I can go thru and get more rooms finished off.
Definitely glad we are not doing this move with kids in school - it is complicated enough moving from large rural to normal city, with pets, extra vehicles, etc.
Guiding Registration is Thursday night at the Moose, then after that I can pack my uniform in the 'last packed' wardrobe box. Friday morning is the United Way Kickoff Breakfast - after that I can carefully pack most of the rest of our closet, being careful to get that container unpacked quickly.
Must run - I have some toast all ready to eat which is getting cold.