CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MOVING this Saturday!

Down to the last couple of days at the 'old house' - I am the one who is having the most emotional qualms with the move - because I've been connected to this place since Mom and Dad built it - with my help - in '73.  I think Grant also realizes that the 'new place' may be a stopping place for a few years, but not much more. 

Sitting here in the Den, looking out the window towards the back fields and trees, with a morning mist lit up by a bright sunny sky - we won't have a view like this at the new place.  Here we have views from every window, and hardly need curtains. 

We do need to look on the positives with the move:
  • we are eliminating the 'mortgage'
  • we are downsizing - including with utilities etc
  • we are downsizing 'stuff'
  • the new house should sell a lot faster and more 'definitely', being in town
  • the new house should sell for more money after we've done the planned renos
  • we've definitely learned a lot more about selling & buying houses from this move!
Gary - our contractor - is set to start work on Heather's new bedroom on Saturday.  With luck she will be in her new room before she and Ian go down to Victoria for her 'birthday present' - Ian bought tickets to a Music Fest.  Her birthday is the Wednesday, so she just might get in to her room as a birthday present.

We have a new Helper - Linda is from the Netherlands by way of Australia and NZ - very interesting accent!  Great worker and good company.

Ian is still away, but due back hopefully tomorrow.  He left a week and a half ago - 3 days after I brought him back from Camp Thunderbird - and has been visiting Drew, hiking, and visiting his Uncle Lo/Aunt Darlie in Lethbridge/Calgary area.  I asked him to phone before he starts heading back home - but knowing him we probably won't hear from him until he gets on the ferry and calls for a ride.

Today I'm going to town - will stop in at the office and check phone calls, call our client who calls in to the office, and just 'check on things'.  Will also stop at a Budget place and reserve a truck etc for Thursday evening - or Friday morning at the latest.  At home I plan to 'finish off' some rooms, move the computer to the folding plastic table and then pack up most everything else in the den.  Tomorrow with luck I won't have to go out anywhere and Linda and I can go thru and get more rooms finished off.

Definitely glad we are not doing this move with kids in school - it is complicated enough moving from large rural to normal city, with pets, extra vehicles, etc.

Guiding Registration is Thursday night at the Moose, then after that I can pack my uniform in the 'last packed' wardrobe box.  Friday morning is the United Way Kickoff Breakfast - after that I can carefully pack most of the rest of our closet, being careful to get that container unpacked quickly.

Must run - I have some toast all ready to eat which is getting cold.