CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Yesterday - just after i got up - Grant called from work saying he'd forgotten his wallet in his 'other jacket' and didn't have enough gas to get home! After I'd done quite a bit on the Windows 7 installation I headed to DEMXX - he wasn't quite ready when i got there are 1:20, but we left around 140 or so and went to the Goats on the Roof Market for lunch. Grant had the Beef Dip and I had the Quiche Special with Salad..mine was on the good side, and his was 'better than ok'. After I took him back to work, then came back to the Market. Amanda phoned when I was there and reminded me of her requests - I also got some bread. I didn't feel like looking thru' any of the shops - but I did go to the Antique Shop and look thru that. Saw a couple of nice furniture pieces, but nothing else I'd eally like. On the way home I came back thru the Parksville, and when I saw the waves coming in to the beach I decided to go down to the oceanside park. The light was just right so I got out of the car and used my Blackberry (!!) to take a few pictures...I've discovered the easy way to take pictures when I'm not expecting to be taking pictures is to use the phone - and then email them back to myself. Right now I have several more Guiding pictures to email...plus a couple more from yesterday...unless there is a way to transfer them over when I'm plugged into the desktop.

Anyhow, the picture I'm putting on this post is one I took of a very full-of-character tree root which has been washed up on the beach for quite some time. it was very windy, making it quite cold. But oh - very beautiful!