CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, after almost 4 1/2 months in the hospital, my mother is finally being moved to a room in Kiwanis Lodge today! I got the phone call from the Social Worker on her ward yesterday, and she should be in her new 'home' sometime in the next hour or so. I will go in to see her and check things out later this afternoon...taking a few clothes/socks..tho I will have to buy some open-back things after the staff decide what she truly must have.

The Van is back at Steve Marshall Ford again...3rd time in the last month and a half or so...plus Ladysmith Car Care April 11th. So far we've spent over $1500 on it, and the problem is still not solved..still keeps dying. And now I find the Horn on the station wagon doesn't work, so I really have to get that in some place. Which reminds me: yesterday afternoon the Coolant Low light came on, and again this morning taking Grant to work....so I need to look in the garage and find some anti-freeze or summer coolant and add it before I go out this afternoon.

Still waiting for LCU Insurance to phone and say the ICBC quote for the Conversion Insurance is back...then will continue working on getting Conversion Insurance for the Motorhome.

I had hoped to be able to go camping again this weekend, but Richard has a birthday party he has been invited to; then next Saturday is the Scout Family Camp 'Day' at Ryan's (and Grant is working)...and then the weekend after that is our Guide Camp HERE...and the weekend after that Richard and Rod both leave on the Sunday....so there goes the month of June for camping. I fully intend to make up for it in July!

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