CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MOVING next weekend!

Moving day is getting VERY close now = we take possession of the new house at 9am NEXT Saturday!  We have a lot packed, with still a fair bit to do.  I am so very glad now that we arranged it so that we can get into the new place a week before we have to be out of our current place.  We are still not certain how we are going to convert to city folks - 8 years here have truly countrified us. 

We hve been trying to sell our motorhome but so far no luck - one couple has come to look at it 3 times - last time yesterday after it was completely emptied and cleaned out, and they emailed this morning saying it is not what they want after all.  And our stove is not sold yet - one lady enquired, but she ended up buying a new stove on the weekend.  I'd love to keep the stove - but there is gas at the new place.  If we don't sell it by next week I guess we are taking it with us and storing it for a bit - ugh - we really don't have the space there to be storing appliances.  I wish there was a place to take appliances to sell on consignment.  Maybe I will check into auctions - I know there is an auction on Shenton Rd not far from the new house - and maybe have an electrician see if we can put in the right wiring for the electric stove so we can get rid of the gas stove...

I just realized that I've not yet put in a photo of the new house - so:
This photo shows where the two major renovations are going to be to start - the single attached garage will be renovated immediately to be Heather's new bedroom, and the front porch/overhang will be renovated to be a large front foyer, with the den opening off of it.  This will add about 350sq ft to the house, and make it much more useable for us.  I have to do a fair bit of landscaping next spring, as there is nothing but a few trees/shrubs now.  I NEED at least one cedar tree - kind of hard to have a website etc called 'CedarHill' with no Cedar trees!

We have a great Helper, Sofia, from Mexico with us now.  She is heading back to Ontario on Friday.  I think we will be having another Helper arrive in the next week - great to get more help with the move etc.  I've also enquired with Brenda, the SD Homestay Coordinator about students for 2nd Semester - we will definitely be finished major renovations by that time - especially the master bathroom.

The move will be a LOT of work, but I am looking forward to organizing and transforming the inside to look more like our home.

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