CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Friday, May 13, 2011

stuff & things

wow - what an imaginative title that is! 

This morning's weather looks much more hopeful for the day, which is supposed to actually be warmer and not rainy at all...maybe even actually sunny. So far it is cloudy, but high cloud that might burn off.

Yesterday 'in between things' I spent time actually organizing my photos on the computer into categories, deleting junk and many duplicates.  Much easier to find what I want to see/use!  Made me feel rather homesick for the house in Cedar...  And photos of cats/kittens and puppies also really pulled at my heart.  Seem to have lost a lot of photos when I had a computer crash - or was that when I upgraded to Windows 7?  The puppy pictures of us out on the front lawn with them - showing them off to prospective new owners - seem to be all missing.  And I do know a lot of my digital photos are missing.  One of the hazards of the digital age...  I do plan on getting a separate hard drive sometime this year...hopefully that will eliminate that problem.

This afternoon I meet with Jan at the bank to discuss finances for us possibly buying the Cowichan PG franchise.  There are pros and cons to it, but Grant seems very much for it.  Tomorrow at noon we have a meeting with the current franchise owners.  And sometime today/this evening I will check out the 'profile' I received the link for - which is the next step in purchasing the franchise.  If we do - and the timing is right - then I will be heading to Moncton NB for training the week of June 6-10.  I'm hopeful that I can manage to get flights and hotel arrangements that are ok prices.  I'd kind of like to go over on the Saturday rather than the Sunday to give myself time to look around...otherwise, arriving in Moncton at the airport at almost midnight Sunday night would make for a very tired day!  But so far I've only checked the flights from Vancouver....I just thought that I could fly from Victoria and have Grant or Amanda drive me down..must check that possibilty out!

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