CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Should not be a 'big thing' but it will be if I can manage to keep it up.  After H. came home we shared some soup, then I headed out for a walk.  Initially it was going to be just 'around the block' but once I got to the intersection where Opal turns off of Tunnah I turned down there.  I'd driven down Opal - which connects to Rock City - once, but never walked it.  It is a fairly quiet road.  At Rock City I turned left, walking maybe 1/2 km total, going as far as where the Lynley Creek Trail goes off to the left.  I walked the trail a very short distance, stopping at the top of the steps which go down to the trail.  There is a by-pass trail which I'm pretty sure I could manage which goes down to the bottom of the steps.  I was definitely enjoying the walk, but knew it was time to turn around.  Now I am back home my legs are 'feeling it' and hope that I have not overdone it considering we are going to Harewood Plains for Guides tonight.  The photo to the left is what we should be seeing tonight...tho it looks a lot cloudier than that now.
Not sure how far I walked - definitely not a long ways, but not bad..short of driving it with the car I can't figure out how to measure it...but maybe 2+km return..

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