CedarHill Homestay

We love having visitors 'from afar' come and be part of our family for a short while or a long while!

Check our websites:

http://cedarhillhomestay.tripod.com/ for more info about where we are and what kind of Homestay we offer.
http://cedarhillconsulting.weebly.com/ - this is the website for my business consulting/virtual office business

Thursday, March 26, 2009

'Date Night!!'

I've often thought it a bit silly when couples say they are having a 'date night'. But I'm actually looking forward to one tomorrow night. Last time G & I went out for dinner alone Mom was still 'waiting at home' for us, so there was still the pressure to get home. At least when a couple has a babysitter, other than knowing you have to pay the sitter, you should feel comfortable leaving kids with the sitter. When Mom was alone (if 'kids' were away) we really didn't feel comfortable being away for much more than an hour or so.

So, tomorrow night after we drop the boys off for their Camp, we are going out for dinner, to our favourite Seafood place. So far the food has always been good, price fine, service ok, atmmosphere definitely befitting a Seafood Rest.: all-in-all a good choice. I checked the paper this morning to see if there are any movies we might enjoy, but nothing. Might check and see if there is something we might like to rent. DOUBT, maybe? Whatever we pick it needs to be something both of us would enjoy, but that A. probably wouldn't!

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